Polygamy in Sri Lanka – (UPDATED) Position Paper 3

In September 2020, MPLRAG’s position paper on polygamy while calling for prohibition, also reflected an alternative of strict conditions that relegated the practice to exceptional circumstances, for just cause, under specific conditions and with authorization of court, in the event permitting polygamy was under serious consideration.

However, having further studied policy, law reform and impacts of polygamy, particularly in majority Muslim countries, led us to review and revise the stance of having a fall back alternative of polygamy with conditions. We maintain that polygamy must be abolished.

Other available resources on polygamy from Musawah in English, Sinhala and Tamil:

Musawah ප්‍රතිපත්ති සංක්ෂේපය 03මුස්ලිම් විවාහයන්හි බහුවිවාහ නවතාලීම 
